'Voor Altijd een Gat in Mijn Hart' is an animated documentary I co-directed for Omroep Zwart, about a horrible plane crash in Amsterdam which happened in 1992 more commonly known as 'De Bijlmerramp'. The documentary deals with the controversies surrounding the disaster, and the trauma that the victims and witnesses are still dealing with today. 
You can watch the documentary for free by clicking Here.
Animation Direction:
Niek Hendrik
Mireille Kiesewetter
Niek Hendrik
Guus van der Putten
Tijmen Raasveld
Jorrit Burgering
Mireille Kiesewetter
Lina Maldeikyte
Jorrit Burgering
Mireille Kiesewetter
Mireille Kiesewetter
Niek Hendrik
Character Design:
Niek Hendrik
Advice & Counseling:
Robert-Jonathan Koeyers 
Claire Sebring 
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